Floral Tank & Crochet Shorts

Summer outfit idea: Floral swing tank, crochet shorts and straw hat with bow

Summer outfit idea: Floral swing tank, crochet shorts and straw hat with bow

Straw hat with bow detail

Summer outfit idea: Floral swing tank, crochet shorts and straw hat with bow

Summer outfit idea: Floral swing tank, crochet shorts and straw hat with bow

Shorts (similar)
Straw Hat (on sale for only $12!)
Dome Satchel Handbag (similar)

Nail Polish: OPI – “Suzi’s Hungary Again
Lipstick: Revlon – “Sassy Mauve

Happy Wednesday!

The Look
Oh. my. gosh! I love this boho ensemble. I’ve had this floral tank (first featured it here) and these crochet shorts (featured them here) in my closet for a while… and it took a moment before I paired them together. I first shared a glimpse of this outfit inspiration on my Instagram, and when I took these photos, I grabbed my handbag for the day, and forgot to show off my straw tote that serves as the finishing touch to this look. Oh well!

The Latest
By now I’m sure you’ve heard that Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, plagiarized parts of her speech from a speech several years ago, originally given by current first lady, Michelle Obama. If you haven’t yet, check out a video of that here. (I just watched the video for the second time, still can’t believe she did that!) Oh, the situational irony…

In my previous post, I touched on the need for goodness (love) to overshadow badness (hate). During a recent conversation, it occurred to me that, while love, compassion and empathy are all essential components towards resolving social injustice issues throughout the nation and the world, they are not the ones that must be prioritized… curious to know what I believe the key components are? Check back for my next blog post on Monday!

The Life
We’re already moving into the final days of July and on Sunday I was hit with an ad from Target which featured Back 2 School sales. Being the non-procrastinating type, I took Alena to Target yesterday to get ahead of the rush and pressure of picking out school supplies and clothes. We checked most items off of her 5th grader list, and I have to say, it feels good to be done. Target makes it so easy with their Back 2 School section in school and online!

Thanks so much for those of you who gave me photography tips! I received some comments and questions stating my photos look great and also curious about certain details. I use a Nikon D3300 Camera (it comes with an 85mm kit lens) and usually a prime lens that is 50mm and f/1.4. The camera is just a machine, however, and it really is all about the photography knowledge of the person behind the camera. Photography is an essential hobby that I am determined to master, so as David and I improve on our photo-taking, I will share what I’ve observed as working and not working. What do you think of that? Photo tips, anyone?

– – –

Tell me all of the good things! What should I be on the up and up about? Read anything interesting lately? How about trying anything trendy and tasty?

With Style & Love,



  1. I love, love, love everything about this outfit! You got the details down – that hat and those bracelets are adorable. Ugh, I can’t believe school is starting soon. I need to get school supplies for my son too, but I haven’t even thought about it yet!

  2. Amber, I am totally loving this outfit on you… very pretty… xox… I too am so shocked that it is almost the end of July, when Valentina comes home from camp in August I will be taking her shopping… (we don’t have Target anymore, it didn’t last very long here, that is too bad… my oldest who lives in Wisconsin loves that store)

    Oh as far at the Melania Trump speech being plagiarized… wow, you would think they would have been more comfortable and them denying it and lying about it. This whole election is just insane. One of the worst things I read was a Trump fan commenting on how it would be wonderful to have such a beautiful first lady as Melania and to not have to see Michelle’s ugly face… I was so upset, Michelle is beautiful, unbelievably so, she has the heart which makes her beautiful inside and out… xox

  3. Very cute outfit! I love finding a new way to wear items already in the closet. I would LOVE to know ALL the photography tips and pointers you have. I think your photos are so great – very bright and clear. I also can’t believe it’s time for back-to-school shopping!! Where does the summer go?!

    Allison / Joy and Ivy

  4. I am obsessed with this look! Loving that floral tank especially. Definitely keep practicing with the camera. That’s how my bf learned. I honestly think the Melania thing is a publicity stunt that’s working :/ Just my thoughts! Lol :)


  5. Lorna

    I love this look here, the shorts and top pair nicely together, but I love the hat! And I know what you mean, I have no idea why hate and badness seems to prevail in this world when it should be love and good. It’s ridiculous!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  6. Oh I love that look! Those floral tank and crochet shorts is so chic.
    I agree its not the camera but the photography knowledge of the person behind the camera that’s matter because if he/she is skilled enough he/she can pull of the best photo even just using a phone camera. A high-end gadget can be a plus though. :)

    (◕‿◕✿) http://www.EmoteraGoddess.com

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