Mini Satchel
Pumps (similar)
Lipstick – Revlon: Sassy Mauve
Nail polish – Essie: Cascade Cool
Happy Thursday lovelies! This is my first post for the month of March, and may be my last post for… a little while. As of late, it’s not like me to have been posting so infrequently, but I have, as this post title says, been feeling blue. I know I look cheery in these photos, but I took them on a warm and sunny Sunday weeks ago. I really should be happy and grateful for all the goodness in my life! But sometimes, I feel really down and have several “bad days” in a row during which I’m not too motivated to do much. I think it’s a case of situational blues. Thankfully, summer vacation is near (come on Memorial Day!) and I think that will be a time for rejuvenation after a stressful and hectic first year of teaching. I mentioned in an earlier post, that this current school year was a one-year teaching opportunity and it has taught me a lot. I’ve been very reflective lately, and after some refreshing months off during the summer, I may pursue a path outside of the classroom. In addition, I have been considering moving my blogging to a brand new URL and new name. I’ve still been trying to figure out the name, I want it to be reflective of myself and be a name that can grow with me for years to come. But no worries, when I make that change, I’ll be sharing the news here!
With the weekend so near, do tell me, what are your plans? On Friday, I’m sure I’ll see my sweetheart David, then my good friend Rachel and I are going to our favorite martini spot to catch up and have some girl time. On Saturday, it will be Alena’s birthday celebration. She turns 11 on Tuesday (and I turn…28… on Wednesday)! The years are flying! After Alena’s party, she’s going to another friend’s for a birthday sleepover (her close friend and her share the same birthdate!) and David and I are talking about heading to Chicago for a city night! Sunday will likely be a relaxation day and overall, I’m excited for the weekend ahead! Enjoy yours!
With Style & Love,
Amber, I’m so sorry you’re feeling blue lately, hopefully with spring and summer coming you’ll find a bit more happiness. I love this dress, great to wear on the weekends or to work. I can’t wait for the weekend too! I’m not sure what my plans are yet but hopefully I’ll figure that out today haha
Your outfit is gorgeous!
Have a nice week-end!
Gil Zetbase
Happy birthday to you and your daughter when it arrives :)
I really like your dress – reminds me of one I have that I’m eager to wear again when I’ve stopped breastfeeding.
It’s a shame to hear that you haven’t been feeling great lately – I hope your upcoming trip and a little blog break have you back to feeling energised again soon!
Away From The Blue Blog
Amber, I feel you on the blue feelings… I have that too… I am really hoping when the weather brightens up for the spring… I’ve been just basically getting by…
I think teaching is a difficult profession… it’s a wonderful career but it is for certain people… I hope you find something outside the classroom xox
You look adorable as always, I hope the weather has warmed up there, there has been some snow here and there lately… I really need for it to clear up and be spring now xox
Cutest dress! We all have times when we feel a bit under the weather, hopefully you will find a reason to smile soon :)
I love this dress!!! I hope you are feeling better <3
Novelstyle Blog