Favorite: Rose Gold Jewelry

Rose Gold Jewelry Feature

Whew! I just can’t seem to get out of the busy hole… I guess it’s a place I will always be in and I will just have to be better about designating specific time to blog… because it’s really something I enjoy… I love writing about all the cute things I love, about my life, and I love checking out the posts of my favorite bloggers, too!

So, it’s finally warming up in Chicago… seriously, spring, is that you? We’ve reached the near 60-degree mark and I am thrilled! Both Alena and I have birthdays coming, hers on the 21st (she’ll be 9!!) and mine on the 22nd (yes, our birthdays are one day apart, cool, huh?), and I’ve been busy planning Alena’s party. No idea what my birthday plans will be, it’s just my 26th… so I have been focusing on my Alena bug’s party. I will share the snaps from the day’s events after it happens, but it has been fun getting everything together for her special day!

Aside working, parenting, girlfriending (I made that up in honor of Mike), and all the other social and necessary obligations, I’ve found a little time for shopping. A few weeks ago I picked up some lovely rose gold jewelry at the fun accessory store, Charming Charlie! I also got to practice my photography skills… not the best, yet…but getting better… practice…practice…and more practice…

The pieces are so beautiful. I love rose gold, and I shared a sneak peak of one of these cute pretties on my Instagram the other day…and here are the lovelies I am excited to rock this spring:

Rose Gold Shimmer Ring

Charming Charlie: Gold Shimmer Ring

Rose Gold Bars Ring

Charming Charlie: Bars Ring

Rose Gold Jewelry

Charming Charlie: Bracelets

Aren’t those pieces beautiful? Seriously!
Rose gold is such a fun color. I love mixing metals and adding silver pieces
(like stacked bracelets or other rings) for an edgy and stylish look!

What are some jewelry trends you’re loving this year?


(Psst…over here… did you see this delicious adult milkshake recipe? Take a look!)